Our Most Difficult Times Are Behind Us- President Buhari

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May Edition.cdr

Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari has reassured Nigerian’s of his administration’s commitment towards building a secure future for the country. The president made this known in an exclusive interview with African Leadership Magazine to mark his administration’s one year in office.

The President, who spoke on a wide range of issues, maintained that “given the amount of both social and financial deficit that was inherited from the former administration, it has been an arduous task getting out of the woods.

We have been moving in the right direction, though, and thankfully, things are beginning to look up. I believe that the most difficult times are now behind us and the country can go no other way but upwards.”

While addressing criticisms that his administration has focused more on the fight against corruption, while governance is suffering, the president, averred that, “from what had been on the ground, corruption was already threatening the very existence of Nigeria and it was that bad when governments at all levels could no longer pay salaries whereas, some individuals in government continued to lavishly enrich themselves,” adding that, “I still want to say again that we must collectively fight corruption and kill it before it kills us. That truly is the only alternative we have if we must survive as a nation. I am focused on governance and for those who follow what we are doing keenly; they will know that we have allowed different agencies constitutionally assigned to fight corruption to do their jobs while we do not interfere.”

On the downsizing of his party’s electioneering promises, the president, stated that some of the promises made by the party were unrealistic and unrealizable, adding that his administration, would not keep any promise it did not make.

He, however, added that   “our Party, as the government in power, will never renege on its pledge to the people on the tripodal campaign promises to curb corruption, secure the country and fix the hitherto depressed economy.”

The extensive interview which is billed for publication in commemoration of the Buhari-led administration’s one year in office will also feature interviews with members of the Buhari Change team, including the Ministers, Director Generals, Executive Secretaries, amongst other strategic members of the team.



The Special Edition of the Magazine is being put together by African Leadership team of Editors and Editorial Consultants. The magazine is also scheduled for distribution to Major International development Institutions, offices of Major Development Partners, some key government agencies, state governments, Local & International Faith-based organizations, leaders and offices of major Think-Tanks on Africa.


The edition promises to be the most detailed documentation of the Buhari-led administration’s one year in office.


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