Tanzania Fire: – Kilimanjaro Firefighters Receive Food and Water Donation

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On Saturday, October 17 following the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Dr Hamis Kingwangalla call on Monday, Various stakeholders, donated food and water to firefighters doing combating the fire that has desolated Mountain Kilimanjaro.

Kijani Pamoja, a non-governmental organisation on Thursday, donated 300 containers of water and pledged to give more water in the coming days in its help to the progressing support to contain the fire outburst.

The fire which started on October 11 thus far has affected a sum of 95.5 kilometres square of the forest (5 per cent of Africa’s most elevated Mountain vegetation) additionally has led to the destruction of properties including 12 campgrounds.

On Saturday morning Northern Zone Senior Conservation Commissioner Mr Herman Batiho got the merchandise on behalf of the Tanzania National Parks Authority (Tanapa). The handling over occasion occurred at the Marangu Gate access to Kilimanjaro National Park, in Moshi Region.

Talking in the wake of receiving the water gift, Mr Batiho expressed gratitude toward the NGO which advocates for afforestation and environmental preservation, for its contribution.

“I urge other stakeholders in the country to also donate food, water and other goods so as to support the government’s efforts to contain the fire, ” he said.

Then, Mr Batiho revealed that starting today, Saturday, the containment of the blaze is finished by 98 per cent- – speaking to a massive move towards the 100% control of the damaging fire outburst.

Notwithstanding, he noted that the firemen led by Tanapa as a team with the Fire and Rescue Force and standard volunteers on Saturday proceeded with the firefighting which has continued for close to 7 days.

“Until today, in the first part of the day, the fire has been contained by 98 per cent. The firemen have been conveyed to contain the blast in certain spots which were as of late recognised being ablaze, ” said Mr Batiho during the handover occasion of the merchandise.

Despite the recorded destructions brought about by the fire, some foreign tourists were on Thursday spotted preparing to climb the mountain, accompanied by their tour guides

As far as concerns he, Chairman of Kijani Pamoja NGO Mr Fredrick Marealle repeated his association’s pledge to keep supplementing the legislature intending to disasters which contrarily sway the nation’s socio-economic development.