Nomination Opens For AL Magazine’s Power 100 List 2016  

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ALM 100As part of African Leadership Magazine’s strategic effort towards showcasing some of the continent’s premium and most influential brands and businesses-we invite you to join other Africans in nominating and be part of the making of an exclusive list, the AFRICA POWER 100-2016 Listing. This exclusive List is being compiled by the Magazine’s Editorial Board with support from ALG Strategy Group and other international partners. These are brands who have defied the broken down systems to post successful returns; create jobs; boost GDP, serve and influence their communities and reward investors.

In all avenues of global business, from the markets to the corporate boardrooms-the conversation around value has taken centre stage in recent years.  As the public takes greater interest in its definition and application, more companies are becoming increasingly aware that the survival of businesses are largely dependent on its value proposition. It produces the much needed competitive edge in the market place and adds ultimately to the bottom line.

In compiling this year’s listing, which would be published as a cover Focus for the February 2016 edition of the African Leadership magazine, inputs and polling will be done via an online survey-comprising of our facebook platform with over 580,000 likes and 1.2 Million weekly post reach; Website with about 8500 daily hits; daily news alerts with 1.4 Million subscribers and the top 1%, would be shortlisted for this list.

Shortlisted businesses and brands, would also have an opportunity to join 99 others at an exclusive invite-only reception in honor of this outstanding accomplishment, which is billed to hold on the margin of the AU Summit in Addis Ababa on the 29 January 2016.

The Publisher of African Leadership Magazine, Dr. Ken Giami,  in announcing the opening of the nomination in Dubai, maintained that, “The Africa Power 100 List,” was conceived to redefine  success and leadership in business, as it places more premium on brand value.” He also added that, “the List differs in varying ways from the conventional listing that people have come to know, because, the decision on those to makes the list, rest squarely on the consumers.”

We therefore welcome your nomination of companies that have touched your live through the provision of best in class service. All nominations are to be made on our facebook platforms, via mail to;, or fill the form on our website,

The African Leadership magazine is published by African Leadership (UK) Limited, a company registered in the United Kingdom (Company No. 07435198). The magazine focuses on bringing the best of Africa to a global audience, telling the African story from an African perspective; while evolving solutions to peculiar challenges being faced by the continent today.

Comment 1
  • Christian Agyei Badu

    Good to recognize hard working business entities who have defied their receding economy to make am impact on their communities and economy.


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