Nigeria: Union Bank Launches Youth Mentorship Project in Delta State

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We Lead Mentorship Project an 8-month youth mentorship program, has been launched by Union Bank in Igbodo, Delta State.

WLMP is a community based mentorship program that makes use of local human resources and trained mentors to build and strengthen community youths using a structured curriculum. It is sponsored by Union Bank and implemented by Rural Development and Reformation Foundation (RUDERF) in conjunction with the Igbodo Development Union (IDU).

The project aims to address societal issues such as illegal migration to violence, extremism and other vices. Another important part of the project is the establishment of a book club in the community to encourage a reading culture among Igbodo youths. At the end of the extensive project, the participants are expected to have benefitted from mentorship, economic empowerment and leadership development opportunities.

Speaking at the official launch of the project, Union Bank’s Head of Transformation, Joe Mbulu stated, “Union Bank remains deeply committed to improving the lives of the youth of Nigeria. This is why we are investing in education, financial inclusion and talent development, all of which are important pillars of our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy. We believe that the We Lead Mentorship programme and others such as this that we are investing in, will go a long way in making the lives of the youths in our communities better as they strive for a brighter future.”

According to a statement by RUDERF, “The goal of the project is to enlighten and groom young people from Igbodo community to shun the appeal of illegal migration and channel their talents and focus towards self-development for leadership through mentorship and orientation initiatives specially designed to reduce the prevalent trend in several Nigerian communities.”