Nigeria: Senate Set to Avert Gender Inequalities

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The senate of Nigeria has declared that an undertaken will be met to combat stereotyping conditions and violence that are targeted to women in the country.

A bill on Gender and Equal Opportunities (GEO) has been passed to the senate, seeking for government’s approval over equal rights to men and women, boys, and girls in all aspect of life in the country. This might lead to the transference of leadership roles from major positions held by men in the country to women.

According to Senator Biodun Olujimi (Ekiti South), the equal right request does not cause dispute, controversy or competition amongst men and women in the country but it is to seek for a complementary role for the women.

She also said that if the request is confirmed, it will bring about development and advancement of all individuals in the country, and avert strange cultural practices such as the child marriage, female genital mutilation, and disinheritance which are inimical to women and girl child development.

“The Nigerian Government will, by the enactment of the GEO Bill, fulfil its international obligations undertaken through the ratifications of the United Nations Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) and African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights among others,” she stated.