Nigeria: Partnerships Formed to Mark World Environment Day

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Visionscape Sanitation Solutions has created a partnership with LaFargeHolcim to promote awareness for the preservation of the environment which is one of the numerous activities to mark the World Environment Day this year. A town hall meeting discussing plastic pollution issues would be held with stakeholders of the Lagos State Waste Management.

Also, there will be donation of cleaning materials. Head CSR and Sustainability, Maimuna Maibe, stated that the World Environment Day was a medium for the sanitation company to sensitise the public about relevant sustainable environmental practices.

Expected at this event are markets traders across Lagos Island, market leaders and representatives from Lagos Island East and West and Chairman, Sanitation Director, representatives of National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA), representatives from the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA), Ministry of Environment, representatives from Central Business District, Lagos and many others.