Nigeria: NGO Empowers Rural Women with Entrepreneurial Skills

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About 10 rural women were recently presented with various equipments by the Divine Women of Purpose Association (DWOPA), a charity faith-based non-governmental organisation in Nigeria. The gesture is to enable them set up their businesses.
The women, drawn from Karu, Mararaba, Nyanya and Jikwoyi communities in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), were empowered with sewing machines, cake mixers, electric ovens, among others after undergoing training in bead making, pastries and confectioneries.
Speaking at the presentation, the chief servant of the association, Dr Ijeoma Chikezie, said they decided to impact on the lives of women and girls in order to assist them discover God’s purpose for their lives.
“The empowerment is not just for the belly. It was consciously designed to meet specific interest areas and aptitudes of the participants who are expected to become productive members of the society, be self-reliant and reaffirm their self-worth,” she said.
Chikezie, who enumerated other achievements of the association to include partnering with orphanages to provide food and other life essentials, as well as producing and distributing customised exercise books and writing materials to the less privileged, hinted their plan to construct a children’s home.
She urged the beneficiaries to be focused in order to get the best out of their businesses, and assured that a monitoring mechanism would be established.
One of the trainees, Mairo Umar, expressed appreciation to the organisation for the gesture, and pledged to make judicious use of both the training and the equipment given to her.

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