Nestle Maps Out Jobs Creation Strategies

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Nestle Ghana is set to celebrate the 17th International Youth Day, with a concrete plan to support young African through its Global Youth Initiative program.

The Global Youth Initiative program is a package from the nutrition; health and Wellness Company to deliver 45,000 – 50,000 apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities and also create jobs for over 20,000 people aged fewer than 30 each year by 2020 globally.

The Human Resources Manager of Nestlé Ghana Limited Mrs. Agnes Forson, said “our focus of making lives better aligns with our belief that developing thriving, resilient communities starts with education and promoting decent employment and diversity. Hence, the commemoration of International Youth Day with our National Service Personnel”.

Speaking about the unemployment rate in the country and Africa at large she said, “Unemployment is a major issue in the African continent with Ghana being no exception. At Nestlé, as part of our contribution to the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8, we support youth employment by creating equal opportunities for individuals in order for them to be socially and economically active”, She concluded.