Namibia listed As Africa’s Top Mining Destination

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Fraser Institute, the Canadian-based research house and think tank, this week named Namibia as Africa’s second most liked mining destination after Botswana.

According to the annual survey conducted by Fraser Institution, Namibia won this recognition because it had improved uncertainty around disputed land claims in that country among other things.

Isak Katali, the Minister of Mines and Energy, said this award meant that business confidence in the country had gotten good and the security of tenure guaranteed.

“Furthermore, it means that we have a favourable mining regulatory framework and policies in place,” Katali was quoted as saying in a report released by Imara Africa Equity Research.

Additionally, Namibia bettered its global position from 45th (2012) to 30th (2013) out of 96 jurisdictions. Botswana took the 25th position in world rankings in 2013.

The annual survey is sent to about 4,100 exploration development and other mining firms to determine where investors are prepared to put in their money.

The survey helped in turning the focus to Namibia’s mining sector as a world class producer of diamonds, uranium, gold, copper and Zinc and an investor-friendly place to conduct business.

Comment 1
  • Eddie Donahoo ka heru

    Im glad that jurisdiction laws are improving for the sectors indicated above.
    Everyone and thing has room for improvement.
    The revenue generated by each sector has a designated business vendor and dollar has a designated project development.

    How these funds human professional African resources personnel representative of the stakes and product resources of management is very critical opportunity of great representation internal local to Africa is great also sending dependable trained innovative representative teams abroad to represent the interest of the African businesses is even more paramount.
    How will the gross the the nation show rich conditions living wise for our African continent .
    How will the circulated revenue trickle down to students,military,space programs,solar, water,animals, land hospitals,media inventors, housing,surgery, .
    How will African currency build on other international currency be protected in other banks currency and physical installations as well in love for my African people and respect to the worlds children of all nationalities and kinds in America Eddie Donahoo ka heru


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