Namibia and Kenya Committed to Promote Cooperation in Trade and Investment

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Kenya has reiterated its commitment to continue working closely with other African countries to advance the realization of various programs and initiatives of the African Union, as envisioned in the Agenda 2063.

In a bilateral meeting with Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of Namibia, Kenya Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma who is on an a three-day official visit, congratulated Namibia on the recent signing of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA) during the 31st session of the African Union Assembly in Mauritania.

Ms. Juma noted that already 49 countries have signed the key agreement and six have already deposited the AfCFTA legal instruments.

“This is a clear indication of resolute political goodwill for a more integrated Africa,” the CS said adding that “we encourage Namibia to follow through with the ratification process so as to realize the African vision that is integrated, strong, united and influential global players and partners.”

She reiterated the need to enhance and solidify cooperation between the two countries by holding the inaugural session of the Joint Commission for Cooperation (JCC).

She invited the Government of Namibia to support and participate in the forthcoming Sustainable Blue Economy Conference (SBEC) scheduled to take place in Nairobi from 26 -28 November 2018, aimed at leveraging the potential of the Blue Economy in Africa.

Kenya-Namibia relations date back to the 1960s and have continued to grow based on the shared aspiration and common principles for continental integration, peace and security and social-economic development through both bilateral and multilateral engagement.

“Our two countries have continued to cooperate in the health sector, agriculture, air and transport. Other opportunities for cooperation include trade, education, defense and tourism.

Ms. Juma retaliated that her visit was a clear demonstration of the Government of Kenya’s readiness to work with the Government of Namibia and deliver more benefits for the two countries.