Mr Jose de Lima Massano Conferred with the Distinguished Public Service Leadership Excellence Award 2022

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The Governor of the National Bank of Angola, Mr Jose de Lima Massano has been conferred with the Distinguished Public Service Leadership Excellence Award at the recently concluded International Forum on African-Caribbean Leadership (IFAL-2022) which was held in New York on 21 September 2022, on the sidelines of the 77th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), with the theme: Redefining Trans-regional cooperation for Sustainable Peace and Development.

Mr Massano was presented with the award by Dr Ken- Giami, Chairman of African Leadership Organization UK in a well-attended event that had several heads of Government, business leaders, and other African and Caribbean stakeholders. Jose de Lima  Massano was conferred with this honour in recognition of his ceaseless efforts in repositioning the National Bank of Angola for Stellar Performance and efficient service delivery.

In his acceptance speech, the Governor of the bank thanked the management of the African leadership magazine for the honours, stating that the recognition was an incentive to do more.

Other honourees during the International Forum on African-Caribbean Leadership (IFAL) included Mr. Hanan Abdul-Wahab, CEO, of National Food Buffer Stock Company Limited (NAFCO) Ghana who received the African Business Leadership Commendation Award in Food Security; H.E. Mário Augusto Caetano João, Minister of Economy and Planning, Angola who received the African Public Service Excellence Award; Barr. Mrs Vickie Anwuli Irabor, President of the Defense and Police Officers’ Wives Association (DEPOWA) who received the SDG Advocacy & Mental Health Leadership Award, and Mr Wilfred Matukeni, CEO, of National Oil Infrastructure Company, Zimbabwe who received the African Business Leadership Excellence Award.

The five heads of state who also addressed the forum included H.E. Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of Guyana; H.E. Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda; H.E. Dr. Terrance M. Dew, Prime Minister, St. Kitts And Nevis, HE Philip J. Pierre, Prime Minister of St. Lucia and HE Adama Barrow, President of The Gambia, ably represented by the Gambia Minister of Foreign Affairs. The event was therefore truly an opportunity for the regional leaders to build strategic partnerships, and bilateral cooperation, as well as increase engagements in trade and investments, innovation and technology transfer, culture and tourism, and other sectors. The theme of the programme was – Redefining Trans-regional Cooperation for Sustainable Peace and Development.

The International Forum on African-Caribbean Leadership (IFAL) is an ALM flagship event held annually on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly to bring leaders together in setting policy direction and as a peer review mechanism. Over the years, the event has become a platform that connects world leaders, especially from Africa, policymakers, and private sector players with a focus on the challenges and the progress of the African people. This forum which has been running for eight years and primarily focused on African leaders was expanded in scope for the first time to include Caribbean nations in a bid to strengthen trans-regional cooperation between Africa and the Caribbean nations.

The forum, which was held at the iconic Harvard Club of New York City, also brought together over 250 business, political, and social justice leaders to debate issues ranging from climate action, reparations, food security, trade, and defence, among others.

The African Leadership magazine is published by African Leadership Organization, a company registered in the United Kingdom. The magazine is dedicated to bringing Africa’s finest to a global audience, presenting the African narrative from an African perspective while evolving solutions to the peculiar challenges faced by the continent today.