Mozambique: Restrictions on Water Supply Must Continue, Minister Says

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Following a decrease in the reservoir level of the dam in Maputo to less than 13% in January, there have been measures put in place to help the water situation in Maputo, including a Rational system on Water Supply.

46 new boreholes were created and 22 small scale water systems are being repaired and rehabilitated, also about 1,200 hand equipped pumps were repaired all over the country in January.

However, Carlos Bonete Mozambique’s Minister of Public Works has announced that there will be a continuation of restrictions placed on water supply in Maputo.

Speaking at the Coordinating Council of his Ministry at Mulotana in Maputo province, he said that the water level of the Pequenos Libombos dam is still an issue of concern. The minister also claimed that until water production at the treatment and pumping station is back to normal the restriction must continue.

He said that the prospective Moamba Major Dam worth $466m, under the Maputo province, will commence construction soon.

The minister, however, hopes that all these measures being put in place will cause normal and adequate water supply all around Maputo.