More Than 80 Exhibitors to Attend The 6th Edition OF ‘MED MAG OLIVA’ in Tunisia

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In preparations for the 6th edition of the International Exhibition of Olive, Olive Oil and Derivatives of Olive tree, ‘Med Mag Oliva’, which is expected to hold from June 10 to 13, 2021 at the International Fair of Sousse, Tunisia is expecting the participation of over 80 exhibitors from across the globe.

The Director of the exhibition, Basma Hmaidi, revealed that despite the difficult health conditions related to the COVID-19 and the heavy terms of travel restrictions, 30 foreign exhibitors (Spain, Turkey, Italy, Libya, Jordan, Syria, Cameroon and Senegal) will take part in the coming edition of the event.

She pointed out, in a Press Conference on Monday, June 7 2021, that the aim of the ‘Med Mag Oliva’ exhibition in these circumstances is to ensure its continuity and positioning regionally in the olive oil field as the exhibition will feature bilateral meetings between Tunisian companies and foreign exhibitors to buy Tunisian olive oil and derivatives of olive oil.

Furthermore, the Director revealed that 10 Tunisian startups have begun packaging their brands of olive oil, derivatives and products of olive wood, in the hope to get it into international markets as the exhibition will be used to organize partnership meetings with several companies in Cameroon, Senegal and Libya.

Organizers of the event expect about 3000 people to visit the exhibition to learn about the latest technologies used in the production of olive oil and its derivatives, while it promises to highlight and showcase varieties of Tunisian olives and new techniques adopted in the field of preserving and harvesting machines during the occasion.