Microsoft To Reduce Software Cost For Rwanda Educational Sector

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purple_partners_in_lerning_logotech giant Microsoft has partnered with Rwanda Ministry of Education to reduce the price of Microsoft software programs, in a bid improve the quality of education in primary and secondary schools.

The programme, which will be carried out by Microsoft’s signature education initiative ‘Partners in Learning’, an initiative that aims to assist teachers and schools around the world improve the experiences and skills of students through technology, will help to ease the availability of Microsoft program licenses to allow brand updates for new programs at low costs.

It will also allow the Ministry to use Microsoft programs at low prices on 3,000 computers.

Minister of Education Dr. Vincent Biruta pointed out that the use of technology will help to improve quality of education and the use of technology in schools as part of Rwanda’s Vision 2020.

According to a report, only 6 percent of primary schools and 18 percent of secondary schools are connected to the internet and the computer to students ratio in secondary schools is currently 40 to 1.

While stressing on the need for people to be “ready for employability and entrepreneurship,” country manager of Microsoft in East and Southern Africa, Eric Odipo, noted that African countries do not have a legacy in technology; rather they focus on education to empower people for employability.

Through the partnership, Microsoft hopes to help bridge the digital gap between education, skills and opportunities needed to prosper in this technologically driven era.

Odipo said that the partnership with Rwanda will focus mainly on supporting teachers, empowering schools and universities while giving students the opportunity to purchase software at a low price.

Meanwhile the Director of ICT at the ministry of Education, Theogene Kayumba, promised that schools of excellence would be built in every district to serve as models and allow accessibility for many other schools.

Apart from education, Rwanda is working towards embracing technology more. Recently, the Rwanda Development Board, through the Office of the Registrar General, launched a mandatory online registration for all new businesses in Kigali, to help ease the company registration process.

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