Meet Uganda’s First Nobel Peace Prize Nominee: Victor Ochen

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Victor Ochen, a lawyer and grassroots activist, is Uganda’s first Nobel Peace Prize nominee.

He was nominated by American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), “a Quaker organization that promotes lasting peace with justice, as a practical expression of faith in action,” for his work with the African Youth Initiative Network(AYINET), Okay Africa reports.

Ochen, 33, is also the youngest African to be nominated.

AYINET is an initiative committed to making peace and justice a reality for victims and survivors of war.

“Victor Ochen has consistently shown both commitment and effectiveness in his efforts to address the needs of victims. He has worked for transitional justice, while simultaneously promoting human rights through nonviolent means, nourishing the leadership skills of other young people, and challenging systemic issues that lead to the continued vulnerability and suffering of war victims,” the AFSC wrote in its nomination letter.

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