Meet our African of the Week – President Andry Rajoelina of Madagascar

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Earlier this week, he was in a video conference with some other presidents across the continent sharing Madagascar’s secret recipe that has got the whole world talking.  President Andry Rajoelina, stunned the world recently when he announced a local herbal remedy which is believed and cure the novel Coronavirus.

At the last count, over 10 countries have already indicated interest to share in Madagascar’s “miracle remedy.”

During the launch of the of the remedy in the country’s capital, Antananarivo, President Rajoelina said, ” Tests have been carried out, two people have now been cured by this treatment.

The treatment which was developed by the Malagasy Institute of Applied Research, IMRA, gives results in seven days.

President Rajoelina who was the first to drink the herbal tea, in demonstration of his absolute faith in the treatment, maintained that “the treatment will be offered to school children,” brushing aside concerns that the treatment has not been authenticated the world health organization and other international organizations.

He averred that his responsibility is to protect the Malagasy people, and he is committed to doing so.      

As the world races towards finding a treatment for COVID-19, Africa must explore local solutions towards solving this challenge which is no doubt an existential threat and Madagascar is currently leading the way, under the leadership of the young and dynamic president Andry Rajoelina.