Mauritanian Government & UNIDO Launch Country Programme

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Mauritania’s Ministry of Commerce, Trade, Tourism and Industry and The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) have collaborated to jointly launch the UNIDO Country Programme (CP) to promote the structural transformation of the national economy and to increase its competitiveness towards its insertion in the global market.

“The Country Programme is fully in line with the development priorities defined in the National Industrial Policy and charted in the Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity Strategy”, said Minister M’Bareck Fall. “Through the revaluation and diversification of national capacities, the Country Programme and its partners will strengthen the capacity of the industrial sector to fulfill its role in the country’s economic and social development of the country.”

Moll de Alba, UNIDO Deputy Director added, “Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires pooling the resources and expertise of different actors; the Country Programme is a road map for the upcoming four years and Mauritania can count on UNIDO’s commitment to help the country achieve inclusive and sustainable industrial development”.

Following the ceremony that was attended by Mauritanian Minister of Economy and Finance, Ould Djay, Minister M’Bareck Fall chaired a Donors’ Round Table to generate funds for the different components of the Country Programme to potential technical and financial partners.

Both events were attended by over 50 high-level public and private sector representatives, including the UN Resident Coordinator, the ambassadors of Germany and Spain as well as representatives of financial institutions such as the French Development Agency, the Spanish Development Cooperation Agency and the World Bank.

The Country Programme was signed in November 2017 on the margins of the 7th LDC Ministerial Conference between the Mauritanian Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism and the UNIDO Director General.