Malawi: Association Donates Items to Mulanje Prison Inmates

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Members of the Muslim Youth Association of Muloza (MUYAM) have donated assorted items to the inmates of the Mulanje Prison to help Muslim brethren in the prison who are lacking resources to use during the holy month of Ramadhan.

The Acting Secretary of MUYAM, Bashir Mailosi said that the gesture is aimed at encouraging inmates at the prison to still observe one of the pillars of Islam which is fasting.

The items donated to the prison are expected to used as resources in preparing for Iftar, the evening meals to break the fast and Suhoor, meal taken early n the morning before sunrise and also most commonly called Dakwi.

He added “Charity begins at home. This time will be for Muslim inmates only. However, we also have plans to visit the prison in the future in order to reach out to all inmates with the little Allah will bless us with”.

The Actring Secretary has also mentioned that asides donating the items for the period of Ramadhan, the association hopes to also engage the inmates in activities such as the Friday prayers, lectures related to fasting and its importance as well as poetry and comedy performances.