Made-in-Ghana: Luxury Cars by Dr. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka [Photos]

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“Kantanka SUVs on the Accra – Cape Coast Road. Kwadwo Safo Jnr (the youngest Ghanaian pilot and son of Apostle Dr Kwadwo Safo) was enjoying the splendid ride in the early hours of the morning when it was drizzling.”  Apostle Dr. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka
“Ghana is about to enjoy the juicy benefits of the automobile industry that nations like Japan, USA, Germany, Korea etc having been sipping for ages. Job creation, enhancement of the economy, uplift of the image and confidence of Africa and so many more. Are you as happy as this man. He simply cannot hide his excitement.” Apostle Dr. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka, manufacturer of Made-In-Ghana SUV brand

Katanka SUVs

Kantanka cars

“The excitement is on! Finally, Ghana will be having her name in the list of car producing countries to create jobs and enhance the economy. Kwadwo Safo Jnr (youngest Ghanaian pilot and son of Apostle Dr Safo) can not hide his joy but pose for a picture with the Kantanka pickup.” Apostle Dr. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka.
Paulina says: I’ve been blogging about Apostle Dr. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka and his made-in-Ghana luxe vehicles forever. And I’m still wondering………….when will the powers that be in Ghana get behind him????????
If Ghana’s government gets behind him, -they will be helping to not just to create jobs –but help to build a new industry in Ghana!!!
They will also be putting money into a venture that can add and not subtract from Ghana’s failing economy, and help to make sure that all said vehicles are road worthy and safe (and that needs money)….
Note, the following quote by a fan was taken from ‘Apostle Dr. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka’s Facebook fan page and is very valid in my humble opinion:
 “Am glad to see my own build a car, my humble plea to Kantaka is that,he should study d Ghanaian market well so that he produce for d low income earners, like small small vehicles which many can afford …am proud to be a Ghanaian n most importantly an African.” NT     
And Team Kantanka’s reply:
“The Kantanka Automobile Company has already taken note of this. They took this strategic decision after researching into the automobile market. The four wheel drives and pickups are also affordable. Soon Kantanka saloon cars and buses will follow. You can find out more at:
Note, even though I love high-end stuff, I would love to see both luxury and affordable Kantanka cars made in Ghana -as I feel this would better serve the Ghanaian public –but regardless, -what team behind Kantanka SUVs has achieved and is doing in and for Ghana is incredible -and we must get behind them.
Comments 4
  • Storm leonard

    Wat a great provision and invention from Ghana . Well done.

  • Augustine Kyereme

    Hmmm! God is good. I will be more than happy to buy my car from Ghana instead of buying it in UK or any other country. I pray for Apostle Safo, to get sponsorship so that he can open huge car producing industry in Ghana and other countries, create jobs in Ghana and elsewhere in the world and improve lives of people and the economy as a whole. Apostle, may you live longer.

  • eleanor

    I am so happy for ghana

    • Nii Tawiah Okurajah II.

      May the Light that was lit 55 years a go on Oman Ghana shine through once again. Nana Safo, you have been summoned for action, and to lead an initiative that is bigger than yourself, with the desire to make the Continent of Africa a light on the hillside, for the common good of all. May God’s grace guide you. Forward Ever, Backward Never.


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