Madagascar: Ex-President Arrested After Return From Exile

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Back home yesterday morning and after holding a press conference at his home in Madagascar’s capital Antananarivo, Madagascar’s former President Marc Ravalomanana was taken by security forces, supporters at the scene told Xinhua.

After the press conference, the elements of the Army Headquarters Joint Operational Area (Emmo-Reg) dispersed by teargas the crowd gathering out of Ravalomanana’s house.

After the crowd dispersed, the elements of the Emmo-Reg arrested the former president and put him in a 4×4, Manoela, former parliamentarian of Toliara, also a supporter on the spot, told Xinhua. On site, there are still broken windows in the front door of former President’s house and portal with bullet holes.

Around 11h00, Hery Rajaonarimampianina, the President of the Malagasy Republic reported on its official Facebook page that “national reconciliation is done to allow the development of Madagascar.”

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