Libya: Rival lawmakers sign proposal to end civil conflict

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Lawmakers from Libya’s two rival parliaments- Libyan parliament and General National Congress- have recently signed a declaration of principles to end the North African country’s civil conflict
Lawmakers said the declaration calls for forming a 10-person committee – five members from each parliament – that would be charged with naming an interim prime minister and two deputies. Legislative elections would be held within two yearsDelegates from the elected House of Representatives and the General National Congress said it was too early to decide on the proposal, which would have to be put to both houses for a vote

The U.N. proposal calls for an executive six-member presidential council that would try to represent Libya’s traditional regional power bases, along with the House of Representatives congress and a second advisory chamber State Council.

The United Nations special envoy to Libya, Martin Kobler, called it a very good basis for going forward.

Libya has been struggling with instability since the death of Moammar Gadafi, the former leader of the country, 2011.

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