Libya Collaborate With Tunisian Agency To Develop Its Industrial Zones

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Libya’s Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the Industrial Land Agency (AFI) in Tunisia have reached an understanding to entrust the development of industrial zones in Libya to the latter, according to the agency’s CEO, Souheil Cheour.

The meeting between both parties was held on the sidelines of the Tunisian-Libyan Fair organized from 23 to 25 May 2021 in Tripoli, at the initiative of the Tunisia-Africa Business Council (TABC) and the Libyan Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Cheour disclosed that the Minister of Industry and Minerals for Libya, Ahmed Abu Aissa, asked the AFI to be an active player in the implementation of industrial zones in Libya, especially given the delay in the establishment of these areas scheduled before 2011; and, it is for this purpose that the AFI will, as part of a pilot experiment, reconsider the way to choose a zone for implementation while also conducting a viable feasibility study to meet the objectives set by the Libyan state, and engage in the future realization of needed studies, specifications and tender documents.

According to Cheour, the implementation of the project by the AFI is a step forward towards the establishment of the new economic model of the AFI and a considerable pillar to the establishment of the International Land Company of Tunisia (SOFIT) as the Industrial Land Agency is an industrial and commercial body placed under the Ministry of Industry to strengthen the industrial fabric and contribute to the economic and social development of Tunisia.

SOFIT, currently under development, as an arm of the AFI which allows the export of the agency’s expertise and national services in the field of land and its various components (housing, industry and technology), is estimated at 10 million dinars – with the public sector contributing 40% against a private contribution of 60%.