Liberia: European Union To Support General Auditing Commission

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The European Union (EU) and the General Auditing Commission (GAC) of Liberia have officially announced the launch of a new phase of technical support to the GAC at the Office of the National Authorising Officer (NAO) in the Executive Mansion Grounds. The European Union funded project, which has a value of $1.4 million, will continue until May 2020.

Building on the results and lessons learned from two previous phases, the new long-term technical assistance (LTTA) to the GAC will support the further development of the GAC into a modern Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), fully compliant with regional AFROSAI and international INTOSAI standards.

The support will build and improve GAC relationships with its stakeholders and also improve the impact and efficiency of the GAC activities.

The project will be implemented by the Italian consultancy EUROSUPPORT in association with the Ghanaian branch of the international audit firm KPMG. The team leader Ron Mwambwa will provide advice as in-country expert during the entire duration of the contract.

His long-term assistance will be complemented by short-term experts with specialised expertise.

The Auditor General Yusador Gaye expressed gratitude, on behalf of the GAC Management, for the EU’s continued support since the inception of 9th European Development Fund (EDF) as this support has contributed immensely to enhancing the post-war development of the Commission.

European Union representative Pia Buller said “This project reaffirms the strong relations between the EU and the citizens of Liberia who are the final beneficiaries of the good work of the GAC. The GAC forum demonstrated the long way the GAC has come and the level of professionalism it has reached since its establishment. This project, among other, will strengthen the relations of the GAC with Ministries and Agencies, civil society, media and other stakeholders, by deepening the exchange on the topics covered during the forum. The technical support will go hand in hand with the EU’s financial support of more than EUR 2 million which funds the GAC’s professionalization strategy.”

EUROSUPPORT’s Marco Sebastiani declared that his consortium is proud and honoured to have been given the opportunity to contribute to the GAC continued modernisation process.