Liberia: CI Energies, CEI, LEC Sign Power Purchase Agreement

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A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) has been signed between CI Energies, CIE, and LEC, for the supply of 27megawatts of electricity to Liberia.

The power will be transmitted through the CLSG Transmission line. Power supply to Liberia will commence on December 1 of this year.

Signing on behalf of the Government of Liberia was the Acting CEO and Chairman of LEC, Mr Monie R. Captan, while Mr Noumory Sidibe Director General of CI Energies, and Mr Ahmadou Bakayoko Director General of CIE signed on behalf of their respective companies.

This 1,350-kilometer power transmission line which carries 225kv, runs through the CLSG/Transco grid network connecting the four countries, La Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

Minister of Mines and Energy, Hon. Gesler E. Murray disclosed this during the signing of the agreement.

He said, “Today marks a major milestone in our effort to create a regional energy market and interconnect our electricity networks, the supply of energy from La Cote d’Ivoire will significantly help stabilize our energy supply during the dry season when we face major energy deficits.

“From all indications, this represents a big step forward in improving education, health, and security and will also improve the livelihood of urban and rural communities. The agreement offers a long-term electricity supply arrangement between the parties and will ensure the viability of trade on the transmission line between benefitting countries.

“We will like to express our thanks and gratitude to financial and technical partners for support to this project which is going to make an impact in the lives of beneficiaries”, said Hon. Mamadou Sangafowa Coulibaly, the Minister of Energy of the Ivory Coast.

“I ask Minister Murray to convey to the authorities of Liberia the gratitude of La Cote d’Ivoire. We want to thank the Presidents of Liberia and our own country, for their strong enforcement in making all of this work.”

With the signing of this agreement, the LEC management is confident that the country is getting closer to its national goal of increasing access to electricity for all Liberians. The management is encouraging all its customers currently connected to the national grid, to use electricity wisely and not undermine its ability to serve the general public through misuse and theft.