Kenyan Troops Changes Strategy against Al-Shabaab

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Kenyan military spokesman, Col. David Obonya has recently said Kenyan troops in Somalia are setting up new bases in order to strengthen their presence in that country in the wake of the El-Adde attack by Al-Shabaab.
The move would ensure that Sector 2 (the area assigned to the Kenya Defence Forces by the African Union Mission in Somalia) is secured from the terrorists.
“We are in Somalia under Amisom, which still has a mandate there, so we cannot just abandon its responsibility,” said Col Obonyo. “We are still manning our areas of operation in Sector 2, which is an expansive area and we can take defence positions in any part of that region.” Sector 2 comprises Gedo, Middle and Lower Juba regions.
There are more Kenyan troops in Kismayu, another region where Djibouti troops have also been deployed and most recently, Ethiopian contingents.
Col. Obonyo stressed that movement of troops was expected anywhere within Sector 2 and should not be construed to mean withdrawal from the region.
“After all, there is a reason that took us to Somalia, which is to liberate and pacify those areas, and the mission is still on,” he added.

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