Kenya, Tanzania Plan to End Trade Barriers

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The Kenyan President, William Ruto, and Tanzanian President, Samia Suluhu Hassan have agreed to work out a formula that will help in eradicating trade barriers between their countries.

Ruto disclosed this development after a closed-door meeting with Suluhu at Dar es Salaam State House.

He said, “The two countries are ready to improve their relations.

“A borderless East Africa Community (EAC) will allow free movement of goods and services among member countries, thus unlocking numerous business opportunities for the people.

“56 trade barriers between Kenya and Tanzania have so far been resolved, I am confident that the remaining 14 outstanding would soon be resolved.

“Once Kenya’s Cabinet Secretaries are approved by Parliament, those concerned with EAC matters will meet their Tanzania counterparts to work on the modalities of resolving the outstanding trade barriers to pave way for improved business activities.

“There is a need for our respective teams to convene and resolve the outstanding trade barriers before the end of December, this year.”

“In the years 2020 and 2021, Kenya’s exports to Tanzania increased to Ksh 45.6 billion while imports from Tanzania nearly doubled to Ksh 50.1 in 2021 from Ksh 27.2. This is a clear indication that trade is in favour of Tanzania.

“Opening up of EAC would benefit all its member states.”

The two African leaders said the concerned ministers would meet and ensure the outstanding trade barriers between the two countries are resolved before the end of the year.

Also, Suluhu said, “The two countries have agreed on the need to ease the transportation of key energy resources, noting that measures have been put in place for the implementation of the project.

“Our countries are only separated by boundaries but we must build on our close cultural and historic ties to ensure our citizens benefit from interactions.

“Our two countries are connected by a common culture, language, and heritage. We are not only neighbors but we are brothers and sisters.”