Kenya: Opposition Leader Disputes Election Result

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Opposition leader Raila Odinga has refused to accept defeat in the just concluded Kenya election and has called for a strike to support his claim to the presidency.

President Uhuru Kenyatta according to the election result that was announced on Friday emerged the winner of the Tuesday presidential poll by 1.4 million votes. His opponent Raila Odinga has claimed the result are inaccurate saying it was rigged.

“Jubilee has spilled the blood of innocent people. Tomorrow there is no work,” Odinga told a crowd of around 4,000 cheering supporters, referring to the ruling party. He promised to announce a new strategy on Tuesday.

Odinga’s supporter Senator James Orengo, during Odinga’s announcement of the intended strike, said “When we people call you to action, peaceful action, don’t stay behind,” Orengo told the crowd in Kibera, Nairobi’s largest slum. He also called for a boycott of Nation television and newspapers, Kenya’s largest independent media group, over their coverage of the disputed elections.

International observers said Tuesday’s election was largely fair. However, opposition leader Raila Odinga has no evidence to back his claims.