Kenya, Ethiopia Sign Deal to Foster Development

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Kenya and Ethiopia has recently signed a Sh20 billion (US$ 195.6m) deal to end the perennial conflict along their common border- Moyale- and foster socio-economic transformation and development of the town.


The President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta and the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Haile Mariam Desalegn witnessed the Foreign Affairs Ministers of both countries ink the 5-year agreement in Moyale.

“This is a historic function. The presence of the Prime Minister is a reminder of Ethiopia’s commitment to deeper relationship between the two countries and the people,” President Kenyatta said. “The programme will see Moyale being turned into the Dubai of Africa”.

The president also noted that two nations enjoy good friendly relations. “Our bond is strong. . . We are working together to bring peace in Somalia. . . Together we will end conflicts in our borders. We will work together to build infrastructure that our people need”.

Prime Minister Desalegn said, “My government is committed to address historical marginalisation of this region and steer it from poverty and support cross-border programmes for sustainable peace”. He vouched for the region being made a special zone for industrialisation. The Lamu-Port South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport corridor, he added, would further open up the area.

Under the deal dubbed “Marsabit County\Kenya-Borana Zone\Ethiopia Integrated Cross-border and Area-based Programme” sponsored by United Nations agencies, communities living on the border are to be helped to improve their economy through trade.

The focus is on developing the area’s untapped energy and mineral resources, as well as meat and livestock trade to create jobs for youth. It also seeks to improve access to health and education and build social cohesion and trust between the communities.


Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta (right) and Ethiopian Prime Minister Haile Mariam Desalegn (left) behind witnessing the signing of the deal

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