Kenya Bags Three Positions in UN Postal Body

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By Wanjala Danson

Kenya has been elected into three key positions in a top UN agency dealing with the postal services.

Kenya’s Amb. Bishar Hussein has been re-elected as the Director General of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) for a further four-year term (2017-2020). Kenya was also elected as a member of the UPU Council of Administration (CA) and the Postal Operations Council (POC), at elections held at the ongoing 26th UPU   Congress in Istanbul, Turkey.

The Congress is the top decision-making organ of the UPU, and is held after four years. The Council of Administration on the other hand ensures the continuity of UPU’s work between congresses, and consists of 41 member countries. The Postal Operations Council is the technical and operational mind of the UPU and consists of 40 member countries, also elected during Congress.

Amb. Bishar was first elected in 2012 during the 25th Congress in Doha, Qatar, and will now serve up to 2020.   Mr. Pascal Clivaz, a Swiss national, was also re-elected as the UPU Deputy Director General.

Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Amb. (Dr.) Amina Mohamed and her ICT counterpart Joe Mucheru, led the campaign for Kenya’s candidacies during the Congress. Other members of Kenya’s delegation to the UPU Congress included Sammy Itemere, Principal Secretary for Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Fatuma Hirsi, Principal Secretary for Tourism, and Francis Wangusi, Director General of the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA).

On his re-election, Amb. Hussein thanked UPU member states for the trust shown to him through this re-election and pledged to continue serving the Union diligently in his second mandate.

“I will work with member countries to help them develop new products and services that are relevant to today’s demands by postal customers. We must continuously innovate and improve our products and services to remain competitive and relevant to the market,” Amb. Hussein said.