Kenya: Amid odds, Ruto Resolves To Buy Fuel from Russia

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Kenyan President, William Ruto has resolved to commence fuel transactions with Russia. This followed the avoidance of the United States among other nations having any engagements with Russia as a result of its invasion of Ukraine.

In an interview with BBC, President Ruto disclosed that he would be exploring all possibilities in an effort to rein in the increasing fuel prices that have put a lot of pressure on Kenyans since the fuel subsidy was discontinued.

In his words, “All options are available to us as a country. East Africa would be a good option, but Kenya is what we are going to be focusing on.

“I am now going to move on to the agenda of making sure that we have government-to-government relationships that will progressively now begin the journey to bring the prices of fuel down.

“Finally, in order to create a seamless financial framework and better the lives of East Africans, Kenya will cooperate closely with other nations in the region.”