Kagame Calls for More Inclusion of Youth in Governance Matters

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Rwanda’s President,, Paul Kagame has said that good governance has a role and responsibility to ensure that young Africans have a real stake in a bright future on their continent.

Speaking in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, while delivering a key note address at the seventh World Government Summit. The annual summit is dedicated to shaping the future of governments worldwide with a focus on how they can harness innovation and technology to solve universal challenges facing humanity.The head of state said that governance must primarily focus on equipping the youth with the requisite skills to compete and succeed globally.

“We want young Rwandans and their peers across Africa to remain connected to their countries and each other. We have a responsibility to ensure that young Africans have a real stake in a bright future on their own continent. It is our responsibility to equip them with the skills to compete and succeed globally. This should be our primary focus and it is doable,” he said.

“We have done our best to get the most out of the resources we do have and find creative ways to fill the gaps,” he said.

To lay the foundation and make progress, he noted that Rwanda has had to start transforming the basis of the economy from subsistence to knowledge in order to unleash creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation.