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Sustainability, which has been generally defined as ‘meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs;’ is a global issue with obvious consequences. Adherence, on one hand, leads to a nation’s competitive positioning and success in the league of top power world economies, while neglect, on the other hand, may threaten a nation’s very existence.

 Owing to this hard truth, coupled with the projections of diverse emerging problems; several studies have shown by theory and evidence that the lack of progress on gender equality may be at the heart of the failure to advance on sustainable development. Other studies have also confirmed that if women were in more productive and decision-making roles, the world could move faster and more assuredly towards sustainability in the economic, social and environmental spheres.

The most recent global gender gap report of 2016 has shown that more than a decade of data has revealed that progress is still too slow for realizing the full potential of women – who represent one-half of humanity within our lifetimes. Therefore, this conference is both timely and imperative as utilizing the full potential of women will be key to fast-tracking sustainable development globally.

Therefore, given the importance of gender to sustainability, the Centre for Economic and Leadership Development in conjunction with the Amazons Watch Magazine and select academic institutions and Universities gender department will converge, Government, Industry Practitioners, Global business leaders, academics and research scholars, and International Development partners under one roof in pursuit of the following conference objectives-


  • To explore the various aspects of sustainability from the perspectives of seasoned women practitioners and other core stakeholders along the sustainability spectrum
  • To promote an exchange of tested ideas, projects, research results and findings that incorporate gender diversity in delivering economic, social and environmental sustainability.
  • To provide a platform of opportunities for participants to meet face to face with renowned leaders of global economies, seasoned business women and academics, industry titans, and development partners to establish global partnerships for future business, research and project collaborations.

As Joyce McCarl Nielsen (1990) explains- ‘’ without the conscious effort to re-interpret reality from one’s own lived experiences, the disadvantaged women are likely to accept their society’s dominant world view.’’

In the same vein, feminist researchers have argued that the biases and barriers that women experience in a bid to break through the glass ceiling’ develops in them, ‘a double consciousness’- which refers to a heightened awareness of both worlds of men and women. This capacity of double consciousness gives women a unique perspective or lens through which to evaluate societal problems as a whole and therefore, proffer holistic solutions to the same.

Therefore, the core aspect of this conference will be focused on utilizing the unique perspectives of women to deliver strong sustainability projects and quantified impact.


The International Conference on Gender & Sustainability shall have the following key components:

  • High level panels and Keynote Presentations
  • First Ladies on a Mission Session
  • Women & Development Finance Session
  • Female Business Leaders Session
  • Women In STEM Session
  • Innovation Festival: A showcase of trends, research and innovative sustainability projects that incorporated gender diversity in delivering economic, social and environmental sustainability.
  • Amazons Watch Magazine Showcase and Awards to women and organizations across all regions, who are working to promote sustainable development in their communities in a bid to encourage a replication of more efforts in this direction.
  • Unrivaled Networking Opportunities


  • Female heads of Government
  • Deputy heads of Government & Senior Female Government Leaders
  • First Ladies/ Wives of Heads of Government
  • Major Industry Titans & Stakeholders
  • Female Heads/ Members of Boards
  • Female Business Leaders
  • Academics
  • Researchers and Research scholars
  • Women Development and Finance institutions
  • Women in STEM


The Global Conference on Gender & Sustainable Development consists of the following themes.

  • Gender Equality & Sustainable Development
  • Gender Diversity in Corporate Boards & Sustainability
  • Gender, growth and competitive advantage”
  • Gender & Environmental Sustainability
  • Gender & Economic Sustainability
  • Gender & Social Sustainability
  • Gender & Innovation
  • Gender, STEM education & Sustainability


Theme: Delivering Sustainable Development: A Different View

New York, U.S.A. – On the Margin of the 72nd U.N. General Assembly
September 21, 2017


For more information on participation and sponsorship, please contact our office, as shown below-

Centre for Economic and Leadership Development
C/O Amazons Watch Magazine
Portsmouth Technopole, Kingston Crescent
Portsmouth, PO2 8FA
United Kingdom.

Tel:  +44 7459 647093