How partnerships, good Governance can help promote shared prosperity in Africa – Malawi President, Lazarus Chakwera

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Good Governance has been described as the key to unlocking global partnerships for shared prosperity in Africa. This was the position of the President of Malawi, His Excellency Lazarus Chakwera, during his keynote address at the recently held 8th edition of the International Forum on African Leadership, IFAL.

The President who joined other African political, business and diplomatic leaders at the virtual event with the theme: ‘Rethinking Global Partnerships and Africa’s economic resurgence’, stated that, “my journey to the office I hold is a testament to the power of partnership. I was elected President on the ticket of a party that was leading a 9-party alliance called “Tonse”, a word from our vernacular that means “All of Us”.” 

“That word captures the multi-layered partnerships that made our victory not just possible, but inevitable,” he said.   

The President also averred that “now that we are here, we owe it to posterity to leverage the partnerships we have and forge new ones to expedite the resurgence of our economy.”

President Chakwera also maintained that if Africa is to achieve Economic Resurgence, more has to be done to strengthen Global Partnerships. He, therefore, advised African governments to be at their best to get the best partnerships on offer.

The President who recently won a hotly contested election as an opposition candidate shared his Administration’s ongoing efforts to transform the aid-dependent country.   

In his words: “Currently, my Administration is pursuing Public Sector Reforms spearheaded by the presidency through the office of the Vice-President. We believe that the Public Sector must be in top shape to prepare for and respond to crises and changes in global climates before they occur.”

“Such preparedness will put our countries in a stronger position to contribute to Global response and Global strategy, especially in the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda,” he said.  

Continuing, the President maintained that, “Malawi has shown the world, it is impossible to build a strong Governance framework if either the Civil Service and the Civil Society are stuck in a cycle of lethargy, greed, and partisanship.” 

He also said that the country’s reform plan is designed to move the country away from an activity-focused model of delivery to a results-focused model anchored by the best practices of innovation, efficiency, and patriotism.

See Link to the Full Speech HERE

The International Forum on African Leadership is a one-day strategic high-level summit designed to build consensus towards addressing pressing regional and international challenges of peace and security which have affected global partnership and much-desired development in Africa, as guided by shared vision and aspirations. 

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The African Leadership magazine is published by African Leadership (U.K.) Limited, a company registered in the United Kingdom. The magazine focuses on bringing the best of Africa to a global audience, telling the African story from an African perspective; while evolving solutions to peculiar challenges being faced by the continent today.