How African Colonialist Paved Way For Dictatorship

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By Roy Siocha


On the 30th of July 2018, Zimbabwe held its election without former president and revolutionist Robert Mugabe’s name in the ballot for the first time in the last 37 years. The Zimbabwean tough man has been on the throng for decades winning elections that has faced widespread condemnation from opposition and western observers.

Ever since the ruling party ZANU-PF took power from colonialist, the Southern African has experienced the worst economic times, high rate of unemployment and hyperinflation – that broke the world record, a fact that is attributed to poor governance and greed from the elected leaders.

Achieving self-governance and independence from white settlers for African Nation was at initial stages received with excitement and ululation, only for power to land in the hands of dictator and authoritarian who exposes those opposed to them to Human rights abuses and injustices in a bid to stay in power forever.

A peaceful transition of power has been a thorn in flesh for many African nations as incumbents who hold on the instruments of power unconstitutionally misuse their position to stay put in their position. Incumbents who see their positions threaten after reaching constitutional term limits calls for constitutional reforms by organizing referendum to change articles to allow them be in power as long as they can be elected. This is a case scenario witnessed in Congo and Rwanda.

Meanwhile in DRC, President Joseph Kabila is not eligible to vie for this year’s general election, however speculations are rife that he could make a stab to third attempt despite the law allowing for only two terms. Analyst says he could protest this in court since recently he appointed three judges, two being his close allies, to lead the constitutional court.

Whoever said African problems needs African people was slightly not right when it comes to power crisis. An intervention of international governing bodies is necessary to save citizens from economic crisis, injustice and human right abuses.