Good Soil Partners Awards Students with 27 Million Kwacha

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Cases of University students withdrawing due to failure to pay school fees and struggling to meet upkeep expenses have recently risen.

The National Council for Higher Education’s harmonised selection report of 2018 observed that less than 30% of those who qualify to be enrolled in universities have access to higher education.

Photo showing students with a dummy cheque

The high cost of higher education limits accesses for the needy and vulnerable students. These are not fully assisted because, in part, the higher education loan scheme has some inefficiencies and The Malawi National Education Investment Sector 2020 -2030, recognize the need to improve access of students to higher education.

As such in order to complement the government’s efforts in improving education access for all deserving students, Good Soil Partners, on Tuesday presented a grant of 27 million kwacha to 25 (8 Female) students from various public and private universities.

Wambula Saka speaking during the event

Receiving the grant, one of the scholars, Angellah Nkhoma, a fourth-year student who has been supported by Good Soil Partners appraised the gesture of the organization as a positive contribution toward higher education in Malawi.

Angella Nkhoma acknowledging Good Soil Partners support

The guests of Honor at this event, the Director of Higher Education, Dr Levi Enaya commended Good Soil Partners for collaborating with the government in alleviating challenges facing tertiary students. Other invited guests during the event were the Director of Planning and Development, the Chief Executive Officer for Lilongwe East, and the Director of Higher Education for the Student’s Loans and Grants Board.

Dr Eneya commended Good Soil Partners (Director Higher Education)

Good Soil Partners is a Christian organization whose mission is to educate, engage and empower the youth of Malawi to become leaders through secondary and higher education.

Since its establishment, Good Soil Partners has educated over 1000 students through its Scholarship Program, in the last ten years. Education is crucial as it is an investment in human capital. This yields tremendous benefits at many levels and spheres.

It benefits the individual, family community, and nation. Education is a sustainable means to alleviate poverty and bring lasting change. Consequently, to effect permanent change, any effort to bring lasting change must include education, in one way or the other. By providing education scholarships to the underprivileged youths in Malawi, Good Soil Partners is contributing to the development and economic growth of the nation.

In efforts to educate more youths in Malawi, Good Soil Partners is looking forward to partnering with stakeholders that are seeking to transform the lives of the youth in Malawi in order to help them build a grander future as well as contribute to the development of the country.