First Lady Encourages Covid19 Vaccination In Zimbabwe by Receiving A Dose of The Vaccine

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In a bold step of leadership and in a bid to encourage the efforts of her country to vaccinate a least ten million people to increase immunity amongst citizens, the First lady of Zimbabwe, Auxillia Mnangagwa, submitted herself for vaccination by receiving a dose of Covid-19 vaccine. 

H.E Auxillia advised people to be cautious and observe all preventive measures put in place to aid the efforts against the spread of the virus with emphasis on women and girls getting themselves vaccinated as soon as possible to commemorate the international month for women which is March. She said:

“The month of March is very important to me, particularly because I was born in March and today I have been given my vaccination in the month of March. March also has been recognised as an international month for women. I am saying to the nation, women and girls, get vaccinated

“This allows us to be free to go to church, to go to our community clubs, to go to work and also our children will be free to go to school. So I am encouraging all women and girls to make sure that they come for vaccination. This is an opportunity to protect ourselves as a nation against the pandemic. I have been vaccinated and I feel nothing and it’s not even painful”

The first lady advised the nation against close contact between individuals, even with the vaccination. 

 “Let’s not hug each other. Let’s not congregate at funerals and observe the stipulated numbers at church services. I am saying to women and girls, please come forward and be vaccinated. I am a woman like you and I have been vaccinated,” she said.

This exceptional show of leadership is expected to boost the numbers and increase the participation of women and girls in vaccination processes in the coming days.