Female Rwanda Police Peacekeepers Donate Relief Items To Orphans

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The female-dominated Rwanda Formed Police Unit Three (RWAFPU-3) serving under the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), has reached out to orphans in the capital Juba with foodstuff and other essential items.

The peacekeepers provided sacks of rice, mosquito nets to fight malaria, clothes and hygienic items, to the orphans of St. Clare House for Children.

The donation is out of the financial contribution of the officers of Rwanda FPU-3.
Rwanda FPU-3 Contingent Commander, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Marie Grace Uwimana disclosed this to the media after handing over the items to the orphans.

She explained, “The humanitarian assistance falls on our mandated tasks.

“As a mother thinking about her children, Rwanda Formed Police Unit thought and looks at this humanitarian gesture through the same lens for the betterment of the lives of these orphans, who have experienced tragic situations and going through tough conditions. It is about giving these children hope.”

Betty Thomas Lolo, the founder and Executive Director of St Clare House for Children, thanked the RWAFPU-3 for the support rendered to the needy children.

She explained that the children lacked food and bed mosquito nets.

The children include those, who lost their parents in conflicts, uxoricide, victims of early marriage, and defilement as well as those abandoned by parents.

“They were eating only beans from Monday to Sunday, and these mosquito nets have come in handy because of the high cases of malaria,” Lolo said.