Facebook Turns 10 Years Old: A Trip Down Memory Lane and how facebook as changed lives

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With over 1.1 billion users worldwide, Facebook has become a regular habit for its users. On February 4, Facebook turns 10 years old and it is time to take a trip down memory lane. From his Harvard University dorm room, co-founder Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook’s first version at the age of 20, and has changed the lives of many, as well as his own, since then.

In an interview with the Today Show, which will be aired on February 4 when Facebook turns 10 years old, Zuckerberg will take viewers on a trip down memory lane. “I remember it vividly, having pizza with my friends after I just launched the first version of Facebook. I always thought a service like Facebook was an incredibly important thing to have for the world, but I had never thought me and my friends would help do it.”

Originally called The Facebook, it was used by many Harvard students weeks after its launch, as well as students from Yale and Stanford only months later. After all, the initial purpose was for Facebook to be a national student network. In August 2005, less than a year after the first launch, Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard to pursue his Facebook dream. It was the best decision of his life. “The dynamic of managing people and running a business as a CEO is very different from being college roommates and spending time studying,” he says.

In 2006, Facebook became open for everyone 13 years or older with a valid email address and in early 2007 Facebook had reached 20 million users in North America. For Zuckerberg, this was only the beginning. Zuckerberg and his team launched translated versions of the website, resulting into 90 million users worldwide in July 2008. Improvements on Facebook, such as groups, events, photos and their Facebook API have been their focus since.

Facebook might be Zuckerberg’s goldmine, but it has also caused him many headaches. ConnectU, a similar social network with its roots in Harvard, claimed Zuckerberg had stolen the source code while working for them. The lawsuit was dismissed after Zuckerberg denied the allegations; however, it was previously uncovered by the Silicon Alley Insider that some complaints against Zuckerberg are valid and that he changed information in ConnectU’s system to make its platform less useful. In addition, Zuckerberg was suspected of using private login data from Facebook users to break into their private email accounts in 2004. A misuse of privacy information, but it is not the only occasion that Facebook has been criticized for misusing its users’ privacy.

In the past years, many Facebook users have shown their confusion toward Facebook’s privacy settings, which is often called tedious. Blake Barns, Facebook’s product manager for privacy, disagrees. “It is not about finding random privacy settings. It is about going to the specific information a user is concerned about and looking for the control next to it. With so many different features on Facebook, this is the only way privacy settings can be properly managed by the users.”

Headaches or not, Facebook still goes strong and expects to celebrate its 10th anniversary with a record quarter. Even though recently it was revealed that Facebook is less popular with teenagers, the social network continues to generate revenue and ads contribute to that greatly. In fact, revenue rose almost 50 percent to $ 2.4 billion in the fourth quarter. Doug Anmuth, analyst at JP Morgan, thinks mobile and video ads have been a big revenue drive. “Users are now more comfortable with video in the feed, including click-to-play ads, which we believe are doing well and will grow in the future.”

Facebook Has Changed Lives Over the Last Decade

FacebookFacebook has been around for the last decade and has changed lives considerably over that time. In celebration of its 10th birthday, it’s worth looking into the different ways people think, react and act, due to the social networking website.

1. People Connect More on Social Media

With the introduction of social media, people are choosing the internet as a way to connect more. Facebook was once a place for people to share their photos of nights out, joke through statuses and interact with friends and family abroad. It is now a place for political debates, baby photos and updates and rants about life, in general.

However, this has led to people viewing their friends in different a light. People “unfriend” those that they no longer agree with, see too many of the same types of updates or find that they no longer have anything in common with them.

2. Young People Create Own Language

New languages have been created between young people as a way to keep their conversations completely private. This has been around before the social media giant, but Facebook has helped to boost the creativity. However, children have also found that parents and guardians are becoming more up to date with the private languages to snoop on their children’s activities.

This was noted by Lisa Whittaker, who was carrying out a postgraduate study through the University of Stirling. She found teenagers between 16 and 18 would go beyond the text abbreviations, like removing vowels, to make works unfamiliar to those who did not understand the distortions.

3. New Phrases and Different Meanings Behind Words

Over the last decade, Facebook has changed lives by adding new meanings to common words. Terms like “wall” and “friend” have a unique meaning when talking about the social media site. New phrases have also been added, such as “did you like my picture?” meaning did the person actually click the like button through the networking website.

“Status” has become one of the most common terms since the introduction of the social media giant, and it has become more egotistical than some may mean. Instead of telling someone what they mean, a person will simply ask “well, didn’t you see my status?” and expect a reply.

4. Parents and Employers Using Social Media to Snoop

With people spending so much time on the social networking websites, parents and employers have taken to snooping on Facebook pages. Parents will create accounts and “friend” their children, while employers will snoop on accounts where the privacy levels are lax. This has led to some teenagers leaving the site to get away from their parents.

Potential employers are now using the social media site to assess whether a candidate is right for the job. They will look at photos uploaded and the type of status updates made. Whether this is ethical or not is a major question, but it has changed life completely.

The social media giant has made many changes over the last 10 years, and there are likely many more to come. Over the last decade, it has changed lives completely. So, the question is: how will Facebook change lives in the future?

Comment 1
  • Gilpin K.M.Huntington

    Thank you for such a medium, where one can interact with friends far and near.
    However, my concern is: On which day and date in February was ” The Face book”
    lunched? Happy birth anniversary “Facebook”, next year when you shall have turned
    11th. I want to say happy birthday Facebook.


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