Ethiopian-Eritrean War Comes To An End

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Ethiopia and Eritrea signed an agreement on Monday, 9th of July, 2018, to bring an end to the war between the countries. The Joint Declaration signed by President Isaias Afwerki and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, states that State of war that existed between the two countries has come to an end.

A new era of peace & friendship has been ushered; and both countries will work to promote close cooperation in political, economic, social, cultural & security areas.

The minister added in the post that “a new era of peace and friendship has been ushered. Both countries will work to promote close cooperation in political, economic, social, cultural and security areas.”

The declaration was signed during a summit between the leaders of the countries in Eritrea’s capital, Asmara. During a state dinner to usher the Ethiopian delegation on Sunday, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed declared that both countries have agreed to reopen embassies and ports and promote flight operations to bolster diplomatic ties between them.

The border war which was fought from 1998 to 2000 left at least 70,000 people killed.

Ethiopia’s foreign ministry said the deal would also include a resumption of phone connections.

At a dinner hosted by Isaias on Sunday, Abiy said, “We agreed that the airlines will start operating, the ports will be accessible, people can move between the two countries and the embassies will be opened. We will demolish the wall and, with love, build a bridge between the two countries.”

Pictures by delegates on social media appear to show the streets of Asmara lined with large crowds and flags of both countries.

Pope Francis has described the new development as a “light of hope for these two countries of the Horn of Africa and for the entire African continent.” “In the midst of many conflicts, I would like to highlight an initiative that can be described as historic and that is good news: in these days, after 20 years, the governments of Ethiopia and Eritrea are talking of peace.”