Ethiopia, UK to Strengthen Peace, Security Cooperation

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By Henok Tibebu

Ethio-UK relations would be further enhanced as their UNSC membership takes effect.

Foreign Affairs State Minister Ambassador Taye Atskesilassie and Sir Simon McDonald, Permanent Under Secretary and Head of the Diplomatic Service at the Foreign and Common Wealth Office of the UK yesterday discussed strengthening bilateral cooperation in peace and security issues in East Africa.

Following the talks, Ambassador Taye told journalist that both Ethiopia and UK have similar interests specially in sustaining peace and security in the region as the historical relations went on progress. “We have discussed the issues of Somalia and South Sudan. Ethiopia and UK will be members of the UNSC beginning next January.”

As part of improving and strengthening policies, he said they discussed issues of investment.

According to him, issues of migration were also focus of the discussion. There are over 800,000 immigrants that Ethiopia is currently hosting. “Therefore, apart from providing temporary support we have discussed ways of broadening cooperation in improving migrant’s life and better support.”

Sir Simon McDonald on his part said Ethiopia and UK would continue working together to ensure peace and stability in the region.

He said: “We are developing a compact together to improve economic chances of young people.”