Ethiopia: President Tells Public to Put Aside Differences to Fight Anti-Peace Forces

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President Mulatu Teshome has advised the general public to fight anti-peace forces and enemies of the nation by putting aside differences.

In a message he gave in connection with the 9th National Flag Day, the President said Ethiopians should work collectively towards a strong and prosperous nation disregarding differences.

“We all have the responsibility and duty to sustain the ongoing development,” he reminded the public.

Anti-peace forces have been hijacking and manipulating public grievances and using it against the on-going peace, development and democracy building efforts in the country, the President cautioned.


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He said it is time for Ethiopians to act cooperatively against the evil deeds of anti-peace elements who act as messengers for the nation’s arch enemies.

“We should remain vigilant against the vicious plots of our enemies as their coercive treatment of differences is undemocratic in the face of our system which peacefully deals with such differences,” Dr. Mulatu said.

The ongoing development and democracy building efforts will be sustainable only when the country`s peace and security is reliably ensured.

Ethiopia’s flag flies high across the world owing to the works of its citizens for decades, he said, calling on the current generation to oppose forces that disgrace the national tricolor.

Citizens need to uphold efforts of ending poverty as the nation attained positive results during the first GTP, with more successes expected by the end of the second one.

This year’s National Flag Day will be observed across the nation on Monday 17 October, 2016 under the motto: “Our flag is manifestation of sovereignty; a symbol of unity in diversity”.

By Ethiopia News Agency