Eritrea Calls Up Armed Forces After Ethiopia Clashes

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Eritrean authorities have called their armed forces to mobilize in response to the renewed fighting in northern Ethiopia according to the British and Canadian governments.

The return to combat last month shattered a March truce and dashed hopes of peacefully resolving the nearly two-year war between Ethiopian authorities and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

Tigrayan authorities have since expressed readiness to hold talks led by the African Union, but the Ethiopian government has not responded publicly to the overtures, other than saying it remains “committed” to the AU-led peace process.

However, the two sides have traded allegations over who first fired, and fighting has spread from around southern Tigray to other fronts farther north and west, while also drawing in Eritrean troops who backed Ethiopian forces during the early phase of the war.

In the latest travel advisories published, the Canadian and British governments warned their nationals in Eritrea to limit their movements following the mobilization call.