Egypt Working Towards Full Industrialization

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Egypt’s President, Abdel Fattah El Sisi, is looking towards improving the industrial development of the North Nation as he recognizes the importance of the process of localizing industry and transferring technology to Egypt within the framework of partnership agreements between the country and other parties.

President Sisi pointed to the importance of such development during a meeting with the Chairman of the Executive Board of Germany’s machine tool manufacturer DMG MORI, Christian Thönes, and other notable personnel which includes the Prime Minister, Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, the Chairman of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, Lieutenant General Abdel Moneim El-Terras, the Advisor to the Chairman of the Authority for External Relations, Dr. Marian Malak, and the Advisor to the Chairman of the Authority for Development and Industrial Development, Eng. Ahmed Abdel Razek.

The President appreciated the German company alongside the expertise it brings to the table and the personality it is building in Egypt through a diligent and accurate work culture and high-quality production. He explained that Egypt needs to indigenize these principles locally, as well as crystallize training and qualification programs for cadres to refine the skilled labour to provide the best industrial services in the basic business sector to meet up with set standards.

The President hopes that this will be done in a manner that meets the unlimited ambition of the Egyptian state to create an industrially developed environment imbuing progress and development while providing new job opportunities both now and in the future for its citizens.

President Sisi followed up on present efforts in building a digital factory for making high-precision turning machines to support basic local industries which are handled by the AOI and the German company.