DRC: Hollande Calls For Effective UN Force Against Terrorism

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In an attempt to calm tensions, the Former French president, François Hollande, has called for a more effective UN force to combat the resurgence of violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Hollande disclosed this at the National Museum in the capital, Kinshasa during a chat with journalists – where he called for a ‘more effective United Nations force to help bring about peace in the region.

He said, “I think it will undoubtedly be one of the responsibilities of the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, and also of the French who are in charge of peacekeeping missions, to set up a force that is more efficient in order to go into combat with the groups that terrorise people.

“There has been much criticism recently of the UN mission in the DRC, with demonstrators calling for it to leave the country, saying that after 20 years of presence, MONUSCO had still not brought about peace”

But Hollande said he believed this would be a mistake which would play into the hands of groups that terrorise the population.

“It is an area that is still, unfortunately, troubled and has many civilian victims. There is a need, and President Macron has also taken the initiative, to promote peace in this region and bring an end to foreign interference and the attacks that are committed there