COVID-19: Second Batch AstraZeneca Vaccines Arrives Liberia

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The third wave of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the long-awaited second consignment of the 96,000 doses of the AstraZeneca Vaccines has arrived in Liberia.

Doses of the AstraZeneca Vaccines are a complement of the initial consignment sent by the Government and people of France to the people and Government of Liberia in an effort to curtain the menace across the world.

The Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of France in Liberia, Ambassador Hughes Nagy disclosed this during the official donation and reception of the delivery of the AstraZeneca Vaccines offered by France as part of the COVAX initiative at the Roberts International Airport outside Monrovia.

He stated, “The second consignment of the 96,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine is intended to vaccinate persons who have been vaccinated with the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the country.

“The deployment of the vaccines will ensure better protection of vulnerable groups, strengthen the country’s resilience and revive economic activities more quickly.

“The donation illustrates the close ties between the two countries which started a long time ago”.

However, Ambassador Nagy has hailed the healthcare workers of Liberia who risk their lives to continue to fight against the pandemic in the country and, the COVAX partners for their involvement in the fight against the pandemic through the provision of access to vaccines.