COP27: African Nations Call For An End To ‘Climate injustice’

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Ahead of the November COP27 UN Climate Conference in Egypt, African countries have called for an end to a “climate injustice”, saying the continent causes less than four per cent of global CO2 emissions but pays one of the highest prices for global warming.

This call was made by government officials, International Organizations, NGOs and the private sector from more than 60 African nations who attended Monday’s opening of Africa Climate Week in Gabon’s capital to prepare for the November COP27 UN climate conference in Egypt.

Host President Ali Bongo Ondimba told the gathering the continent has to speak with one voice and offer “concrete” proposals for COP27.

In his words, “The time has come for Africans to take our destiny into our own hands. Our continent is blessed with all the necessary assets for sustainable prosperity, abundant natural resources… and the world’s youngest and largest working population”.

Deploring the global failure to meet climate targets, Ondimba added, “Africa and the rest of the world must address climate change” citing the UN’s intergovernmental climate panel IPCC report that describes Africa as the most vulnerable continent.

“Droughts are causing extreme famines and displacing millions of people across the continent. Today, 22 million people in the Horn of Africa face starvation because of drought and famine; countries in the south of the continent are regularly hit by cyclones, and rising sea levels threaten cities such as Dakar, Lagos, Capetown and Libreville”.

Also, the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry, Head of COP27, planned to be held in the Red Sea resort of Sharm El-Sheikh said, “Despite contributing less than four per cent of global emissions, Africa was one of the most devastated by the impacts of climate change.

“Also, Africa is obliged, with limited financial means and scant levels of support, to spend about two to three per cent of its GDP per annum to adapt to these impacts. It is a “climate injustice”.

Denouncing the failure of developed countries to deliver on their climate commitments, he warned: “There is no extra time, no plan B and there should also be no backsliding or backtracking on commitments and pledges.”