Coding for African Girls Music to “Our” Ears

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Hello there! Your Monthly Cycle is behind schedule. An automated message from the app “flo,” which tracks a female’s monthly cycle, reads, “There are at least 16 possible causes for this. We can look for a possible cause together if you’d like.”

Which one is it? Another automatic message appears, requesting a response from the app. Then, there’s the option to send it. When I select the send option, it takes me to “Cool.”

Before we begin, I’d want to provide you with some vital information about our chat. In seconds, another automated message appears, saying, go ahead and pick this option. As soon as I continue with the instructions, more and more information about my health, monthly reports, and other things that I need to know about my life will be sent to me.
So, shall we lay everything out on the table for a moment of silence in honour of such innovations? Yes?

Flo is a health software for women that helps them at every step of their reproductive cycle. Menstruation, cycle prediction, conception preparation, pregnancy, early motherhood, and menopause are tracked.

It was co-founded in 2015 in Belarus by Dmitry and Yuri Gurski as a period and ovulation monitoring app. It eventually evolved into an artificial intelligence-powered women’s health solution as time went by.

The program covers all stages of the reproductive cycle, including the onset of menstruation (in teenagers), cycle tracks, conception planning, pregnancy, early motherhood, and menopause.

As a Flo member, you’ll have access to a calendar where you can set reminders for impending menstrual cycles and keep track of other health issues, including contraception.
Apps like flo, in particular, have aided in closing the digital gender gap, which has been an enormous hurdle for most African girls.

It aids them with digital literacy and personal development abilities. Thanks to the ladies and IT professionals who continue to encourage young girls to enter the field of Coding.
Leucrecia Jeruto is currently working as an intern for a digital company, where she is learning to code. She completed her university education in Kenya, where she majored in Information Technology. It is here where he learned the skill of Coding. Today, she speaks with African Leadership Magazine on how Coding has benefited her and why it is critical to include African women in the sector.

“Coding is significant for the African female since it is a tech career route.” She explains. Girls who know how to code can help develop apps and technologies that tackle problems in today’s society. It assists African girls in transforming their beliefs into things that people can use. It entails the creation of software systems such as e-commerce websites and applications, IoT and AI implementation in agriculture.” She credits Coding with helping her grow her career as a web designer and developer as a young woman.

Despite living in an underdeveloped nation where few girls flourish in such fields, she can now translate her ideas into feasible solutions for a variety of individuals and organizations.
She says that she is a student who graduated last year and is presently doing her internship. “I can get a decent, well-paying job with my coding abilities. Because the majority of coding assignments can be completed remotely, this factor enables me, as a woman, to work for organizations in other countries while remaining at home.”

While this is true, growing up as a female in a developing nation is nearly impossible. Minorities don’t always have equal access to fundamental amenities, including health, jobs, and literacy in many regions.

If such programming apps are promoted in Africa, more women like Lucrecia will not only alter their lives but will also help pave a smoother way for their families, countries, and the continent as a whole.

The flow app, for example, is improving and simplifying our lives as females. It is a tool for empowerment and an instrument for education and the future of employment. This, however, is not the only one to be celebrated. More and more Information technology works have come up to bridge the digital gender gap.

According to an Accenture study, the number of women working in STEM sectors (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) has decreased since the 1990s.

As one of the most in-demand skills globally, African females should be encouraged to take computer programming courses to overcome the digital gender gap.

Coding is crucial for everyone, and women are not an exception to it; it’s a unique and effective way of teaching logic and creativity and applying abilities in real-world circumstances.

It is a tool for empowerment and an instrument for education and the future of employment.

If you teach a girl to code, she will change the world.