Charcoal Machine to curb Environmental and Employment issues in Tanzania

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During a capacity building training on Production of Charcoal and Biogas from waste, held recently in Dar es Salaam, a multi-solution charcoal machine was introduced by one of the 20 issued entrepreneurs present at the meeting.

According to the Inventor of the machine, Mr Petro Mwamlima, the Peyam Screw Press (PSP) machine (as identified by him) is to help curb problems related to unemployment, environmental pollution and conservation in the country.

The PSP machine has an in-built power source that enables it produce charcoal briquettes (its main produce) without the use of electricity. The produced charcoal is made with raw materials gotten from farm produce like coffee husks, rice husks, saw dust, waste papers and falling leaves.

Bearing in mind the amount of waste product generated daily and managing of waste product which has become a difficult task in the city and a problem in the country at large, Mr. Mwamlima, affirmed that those were his reasons for manufacturing the machine.

“Considering the amount of waste produced every day waste management is becoming a critical problem in the country which requires immediate solutions…a factor that pushed me to come up with the machine,” said Mwamlima.

Mr. Mwamlima also said that the Peyam Screw Press (PSP) machine can generate employment if use in homes for income generation.

“People should not underestimate the harm and wealth that waste can generate in the societies that we are living in…the charcoal can therefore create jobs, reduce pollution as well as help conserve the environment,” he noted.

Capacity building training is an initiative of Land Administration Unit at Ardhi University (ARU) in Dar es Salaam aimed at implementing resource recovery from waste in Bagamoyo district council thereby reaching out to the people through community services.

The unit have received monetary support to carry on with its agenda.