CELD’s International Conference on Democracy and Good Governance Now Holding in June

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Dawn Butler, Member of Parliament for Brent Central, British Parliament; Margaret Omolola Young, Baroness Young of Hornsey OBE; The Rt Hon. Baroness Prashar CBE, Member, House of Lords of the United Kingdom… have confirmed to attend the conference.

The Centre for Economic and Leadership (CELD) has recently announced the postponement of the 2nd International Conference on Democracy and Good Governance (ICDG), from the earlier scheduled date, April 17th, 2018 to the 14th of June, 2018.

In a statement, Mrs. Furo Giami, CELD’s Executive Director, said “the enlarged strategy committee of the organizers of ICDG have decided to move the Summit from the earlier April scheduled date, 17th, 2018 to the 14th of June, 2018, following strong appeals from our strategic partners and key resource persons”.

“The shift further became necessary owing to conflicting regional engagements on the part of our strategic partners particularly from the US, UK as well as the on-going political cacophony in the host city which expectedly competes for the attention of some local stakeholders who are playing key roles in the planned event. Hence, in order for us to have a top-notch event and robust participation, we gave in to their request and have therefore shifted the summit,” Mrs Giami added.

Dawn Butler, Member of Parliament for Brent Central, British Parliament; Margaret Omolola Young, Baroness Young of Hornsey OBE; The Rt Hon. Baroness Prashar CBE, Member, House of Lords of the United Kingdom; among other Members of Parliaments in Africa, have confirmed to attend the conference.

Arising from the success of the maiden edition of conference, which took place in 2017, at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the 2018 edition of the conference, with the theme set as: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Participatory Democracy, aims to deepen and expand on  the conversation centring on Democracy in Africa.

The conference, being organised by CELD, in conjunction with the African Leadership magazine, and Amazons Watch magazine, will include a series of high-level sessions, enriching global platforms, one-on-one interviews, interstitial spotlights, designed to address inequalities in Africa’s democratic processes and set the bar high in accounting for pluralism, in fostering economic growth and improving the standards of living of the people.

Centre for Economic and Leadership Development, an organisation in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC, presents the 2nd International Conference on Democracy and Good Governance (ICDG) – London 2018.

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E: ehis.ayere@celdng.org/ info@celdng.org
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