Most Recent World News

Youths Petition World Leaders to Increase Education Funding

The efforts of over 1.5 million youths who had signed a global petition to world leaders for them to come together and.

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STEM Takes Centre Stage As Innovate Ghana Host Challenge

In pursuit of solving development challenges at community level, Innovate Ghana, a group that believes in the young Ghanaians is set for.

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Uganda: Education Ministry Launches Sex Education Guide for All Schools

Following the negative reports on school student misconducts in Uganda, the Ministry of Education have released a framework on sexuality education, to.

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How Egyptian Football Star, Mo Salah is changing the Face of Philanthropy in the Country

Egypt’s philanthropy arena is not limited to business moguls alone, as personalities from other fields have begun to make strides in that.

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Gambia Youth Council Organizes Trainings for New Wards

With the coming of age of the next generation of leaders, it is important that they have the right tools handy in.

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Rwanda: 23-Year-Old Entrepreneur Creates Platform to Help Youths Save

Graduating from the University of Rwanda, Bovine Ishemaryayo studied ICT and has launched a software called “e-Saving” which he had designed himself..

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Eritrea: Number of Female Students Increases

The increasing enrolment of female students in Eritrea at both the elementary and junior school levels can be attributed to the unwavering.

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ALM Sports Leaderships Awards – 2018

THE EVENT BRIEF The role of Sports in Africa’s growth and development cannot be overemphasized. The United Nations Report on the International.

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Rwanda: IT Graduate takes up Pineapple Farming

Youths in Africa are discovering that asides going to a university and studying for years, there are other endeavors you can get.

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South Africa: Microsoft, Gauteng Province Empower Youths with Digital Skills

The Thint’iMillion initiative has been launched by Microsoft South Africa and the country’s commercial hub in Gauteng. The system is designed to.

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